Jane Bruce

Marketing Administrative Assistant


Jane has been working at WESTMAC Commercial Brokerage Company since October 2023. In her role, Jane assists company president T.C. Macker on all active sale listings and serves as an alternative point of contact for each of their clients. Additionally, Jane handles the creation of all the Team’s marketing materials.

Prior to working at the company, Jane worked as a photographer and photo editor in both New York and Los Angeles. Her background in photography lends a strong visual component to all marketing materials.

Jane is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio, and attended Columbus College of Art & Design, where she graduated with a BFA in Photography. Jane lived in New York City from 2011-2017 and moved to Los Angeles in September of 2017.


  • Columbus College of Art & Design
  • BFA in Photography


  • Watching sports (Bengals, Cavs, Yankees, Norwich City FC)
  • Reading
  • Drinking natural wine
  • Always yoga, sometimes golf
Headshot Photo of Jane Bruce [large]